Sailung (= Shailung = Sailungeshwor = Sailungeswor ...)

is a remote area around the mountain Sailung (3200 meters) Dolokha region, in eastern Nepal. It is located in the foothills of the Himalayas. Many people in the area find their work in local agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry.

There is an exodus of young people to the city in the hope of a better standard of living. Education is of a very low level, illiteracy is high and many children are not educated. Adults can barely read and write, which limits their daily lives. Until 1951, education in Nepal was prohibited and only available to the elite.

The residents of Sailung are committed to improving their standard of living. They pay attention to hygienic drinking water, infrastructure and the development of the area. Offering education has the highest priority, this facility ensures that families do not leave for the city.

Well-being of the Sailung community.

Our foundation is initially committed to the construction and maintenance of a school building for Sailung. In addition, we want to support the overall well-being of the Sailung community. Most homes in Sailung are simple houses with corrugated iron roofs without insulation, heating and sanitation. Many people live in one room in which an open fire, often without a drain, is fired for cooking and heating. In Sailung the houses do not have a house number, people do not have a car or bicycle. A few have had a motorcycle since a producer in Nepal made it possible to buy a motorcycle on credit. Most homes do have a connection to electricity. However, that is not reliable. You will not easily find a refrigerator there either.

In Sailung there are 2 shops with basic supplies, there are no butcher, bakery, supermarket, clothing shops, etc. etc. Any other shopping takes place in a village a two-hour walk away.

This makes the food of the people who live in the area simple. They usually eat rice in the morning, afternoon and evening with lentil soup and sometimes some vegetables and potatoes. Meat only when there is something special to celebrate. Then family is always invited.

the Makar shop


Nepal is a relatively small country, about 3.5 times the Netherlands, with about 30 million inhabitants. Sandwiched in between China in the north and India in the south.

Nepal has been a Federal Democracy since 2008. 80% Of the population is counted as Hindu. The prosperity ladder lists Nepal at # 195 out of 228 countries with per capita income of $ 2,480. As a comparison, the Netherlands is # 23 with $ 53,900 * (Source CIA .GOV data 2017)  30% GDP comes from agriculture where 70% find a job.

Kathmandu - Sailung a journey of 140 km, about 8 to 10 hours by bus or truck

The capital Kathmandu is centrally located in the center of the country. Sailung is about 120 km to the east. Most of Nepal is dominated by the Himalayas, the highest along the Chinese border. The southern border region with India is flatter and part of the Ganges torrent. Sailung faces the Mount Everest which at 8,848 meters is the highest point in Nepal and also in the whole world. The country is up to 850 kilometers long and 250 kilometers wide.


Nepal has several climate zones, this is variable according to the altitude. The capital Kathmandu is located at an altitude of 1,400 meters and has a somewhat more moderate climate. Sailung with an altitude between 2400 and 3200 meters has a cold climate. The average maximum temperature ranges from - 10 ° C in winter to 25 ° C in summer. There is a dry and a wet season, on average 1000 mm of rain falls annually in Sailung, much of which falls in the period from May to September, with a clear peak in July and August.

During the construction of the new school, extra attention will therefore be paid to insulation of the building, sanitary facilities and solar water heaters for hot water and heating.
